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Nô Okinka di MAr

On the International Sea Turtle day, IBAP and its partners launch conservation campaign 'Nô Okinka di Mar' - "Sea Turtle - Our Queen of the Sea".

Parade from school Carmelita Pires

The 16 of June celebrates the world sea turtle day, on the same day as Dr. Archie Carr’s birthday, founder of the Sea Turtle Conservancy and the “father of sea turtle biology”. Dr. Carr's research and advocacy brought the attention to the threats faced by sea turtles. His work highlighted the issue and helped create the community that continues to strive for a better future for sea turtles.

The IBAP and its partners, Programa Tatô and Palmeirinha, celebrated this day by launching the conservation and awareness campaign 'Nô Okinka di Mar' - "Sea Turtle - Our Queen of the Sea". A children's parade was organized with the participation of 120 children with ages between 8 and 12 years, from six schools of Bissau. The three schools with the best costumes, songs and theatre plays had the opportunity to visit the exhibition "Sea Turtle - Our Queen of the Sea" and received didactic school material as a prize! It was a great day dedicated to the celebration of the conservation of the sea turtle populations of Guiné-Bissau.

Sea Turtle Guinea-Bissau
Logo of sea turtle conservation in Guinea-Bissau



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